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Our Services

Turnkey Solutions

Unique Service Provideded by QIT and Niagara Pattern

(CMM, Gauges/Fixtures and Certification)

Quality Inspection Technologies and its sister company, Niagara Pattern provide a unique opportunity for its customers by providing a ‘Turnkey’ operation including CMM Programming and Inspection, CMM Holding Fixtures and Certification.

Many companies require not only CMM services, or Gauges & Fixtures, but also a complete solution in order to provide the QA requirements for part of, or for an entire project.  Since QIT and Niagara Pattern are sister companies, with QIT providing the CMM Programming / Inspection services, as well as the Gauge Certification, and Niagara Pattern providing the Gauge / Fixture Design and Manufacturing services, we are able to provide a complete ‘turnkey’ solution of all of these capabilities, as shown below.

This provides for significant cost savings, and improved quality control of these projects.

“Working with QIT was a one stop shop for all our QC process needs. We were able to get our inspection, programing, holding fixtures and certification done.”

N. Rimar
Process Engineer

The picture (above) shows a ‘turnkey’ solution of a CMM Holding Fixture designed and built by Niagara Pattern, with the part being inspected on the CMM by QIT.  The Inspection, Programming, Holding Fixture and certification are all performed by QIT and Niagara Pattern as a ‘turnkey’ solution.

Turnkey Solutions

“QIT is more than just a service provider to our manufacturing facility… they really are an extension of our own quality department”

F. Pula
QC Manager